Giants Head Freeride, Summerland, BC, June 7-9, 2024


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    This footage is royalty free AS LONG AS you tag us. If you're going to use the footage TAG US @wrongboarding.




    If there's one event on the west cost of North America that you're going to spend money to hit.. this is it.

    This year, we're sponsoring it, along with 28 other brands. This is the premier North America. With absolutely no pinecones (sorry).

    Giant's Head Freeride is the most rowdy, fast-ish, wheel killing, freeride longboarding event that British Columbia has to offer. It's renowned as one of the greatest longboarding events of all time and has been around since 2008ish and is still the most popular event to travel to in North America.

    This is a downhill gravity sports freeride event held annually in Summerland, BC. This highly anticipated event brings together a vibrant community of elite athletes from around the world for an exciting 3 days of freeriding, camping, workshops, karaoke, and having fun with friends.

    Giant's Head Park Road is a steep and winding 2.1 km course with 220 meters of drop, 13 hairpin corners, fast straightaways, with absolutely no pinecones on the road, where athletes push the boundaries of high-speed carving and sliding.



    We recommend that you camp at the event (the rodeo) if you're driving in, since that's where so many shenanigans and the party happens.

    Obviously it would be kinda hard to camp if you're flying in so thankfully there's a few place that you can stay:

    • Airbnbs - There's many within 20 mins of the event for under $40/night, but you'll only have a private room. Not like you're getting an entire place for $40/night.
    • Hostels - There's two hostels in Kelowna:
      • Samesun Hostel - More party oriented.
      • Kelowna International Hostel - Less party oriented.
    • Renting a Car - Routes Car Rental is fairly cheap (that's what we're using for '24), but honestly, we recommend using Turo. It's basically Airbnb for cars and you don't have to wait in any lines. Pricing is more transparent and you get to pick your car (rent a Fiesta ST if you can :^).


    Poker chips and prizes?

    At Giant's Head, there's a really unique prize system: Poker Chips.

    You can do whatever you want with your chips to win and depending on which brands chips you have the most of, you win different prizes.

    Here's how it works:


    Want to sign up? Click here.



    Here's a few videos and pics to get you stoked (they are old-school and hold up to this day):


  • Nice build for this. I'm goin!!

  • Def wish I could make it out - gotta work on tight pack skating & techy freeride stuff before I go 

  • I'll be there!

  • Give me a couple of years to get back into going fast! Wish I could make it this year, but I'll be skating the Ladiga Challenge those days.

  • Here's the footy gang:

  • i ended up going for the first time this year and it was the best thing ever, i drove 6 hours to summerland and it was worth it. I look forward to get to do it again next year 

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