Help me pick

  • Any advice on picking between pantheon drop boards? I know it's all about use and riding style, but just thought I would throw it out there if anyone has anything specific. I'm sort of deciding between the shorts vs the longs. Specifically the trip vs quest. Mostly for distance but needs to be able to be confident on short fast downhills. Anybody ridden both? 

  • I think there are a bunch of contributing factors here that need to be looked at before really advising. A few things to think about first:

    1) What's your weight?
    2) Are you going to push, pump, or both?
    3) Do you want flex or something a little stiffer?
    4) What's the approximate speed you think you'll be hitting?

    I'll throw this out there before getting the answers to the above - I pretty much always recommend the Supersonic, I truly think it can do anything and everything when it comes to LDP and some light downhill.

  • @Devin Gneiting For what you are talking about I have heard good things about the nexus!


    **Full disclosure we retail pantheon and when we have the cash to fork over to stock their decks, the nexus will likely be one of them**

  • @Matt Needs Wheels the Nexus is definitely another good option, too. Hard to go wrong with most Pantheon boards, imo.

  • @Zach Maxon thanks for the response!

    weight- about 200

    mostly push but some pump

    i dont mind a little flex but not a fan of super flexy

    im not so sure on speed, I do t mind going fast but I'm not looking to tuck and bomb. Although I have to be able to hit some fast steep hills so maybe top speed 30ish

    yeah supersonic looked good too, it's just hard because all the boards look pretty darn nice and functional


  • @Devin Gneiting out of the entire Pantheon lineup, I'd recommend the Supersonic first. Probably the 8 ply maple or the bamboo heavy flex. I weighed 225 when I skated Ladiga this year and rode the 8 ply maple. It handled every bit of that event with ease. 

    After that I'd recommend a Quest or a Nexus, just based on what I know about them. Either of those boards will be better than the Supersonic if you want to do any freeride, since they're symmetrical.

    I had an opportunity to goof around on a Trip a while back and the flex was a bit much for me on that deck.

  • @Zach Maxon Thanks!

  • @Devin Gneiting any time! Let me know if you have any other questions about the Supersonic - I've spent a lot of time on one of the stock setups from Pantheon with no issues, haha

  • @Zach Maxon how stable is it when going fast either pushing or going downhill?  Also how easy is it to carve around when needed, like in a suburban environment?  I know a lot of this comes down to setup, but just looking for opinions.

  • @Devin Gneiting I take it up and down hills in Clermont, FL at speeds anywhere from 25 to 35 mph while I'm out doing long distance rides! I also push like a madman and I've had no problems with stability, even on Paris trucks and soft bushings for my weight. 

    As for carving, keep it on the dewedge mount and not the zero degree and you're good. I've never used the zero degree mount and I carve around on it all the time.

  • That's great, I'm prob gonna get one 

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