Art on your helmet?

  • I just ordered a New Olders blackbird v2 in matte black with a gold visor / logo. 

    What are your thoughts on helmet art and paintjobs? Of course, the really clean automotive-style paintjobs are always great, but I'm looking for some additional inspiration for my helmet art. 

  • It's fun, but it definitely takes time, practice, and LOTS of patience for those especially great looking paint jobs. I've painted a few of my helmets, including a Blackbird V2. I'm currently working on a Risch Ape Love and attempting my most ambitious design yet, but I'm around halfway into it and I started at the end of July (but it required some restoration work too).

    FYI on the Blackbird, it was a huge pain to sand down all the way to bare fiberglass. I'm not sure if it's just super durable paint or because the shoulder farings give it ~2x surface area compared to other helmets, but if I had to do it again I would probably just sand the top layer enough for the new paint to adhere properly. Sanding/wet sanding by hand probably is the "safest" option to not accidentally damage your shell, but after 3-4 other paint jobs I finally bought an orbital sander to speed things up on my current project. (And I'm so glad I did after finding nearly a dozen layers of paint on this thing!)


    Max Dubler wrote a good How-To article on helment painting a few years ago too: How To Paint Your Full Face Helmet

    For inspo, check out @aerolids_n_fullfaces_official on Instagram and some of the accounts they've tagged too. 

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