New dh deck

  • Picked up a new slightly custom Zenit Bullet. It's got a shorter nose and tail, and added flushmounts. Coming from an Earthwing Hoopty R, this board feels much flatter. I'm excited to try it out. I didn't need a new board but just wanted to try something different, with a shorter wheelbase, a tad narrower, and stiffer. Wheelbase is 21.5" measured from inner bolts with room for smaller (or bigger) if I ever want to get crazy. Zealous trucks w/ stock bushings, Seismic Alpha Blackops (felt great at first but I think I prefer wider/grippier wheels, I do love how the shape slides and hooks up though), Seismic Lokton, Riptide footstop, and a lot of Skatetech goodies (torque block, w implant, and toestop). 


    The mellower concave feels very comfortable to stand on. I have an Apex Prototyping crescent implant if I need to add leverage to the toe.


  • The aggressive W+Torque combo on a flat board is actually amazing, I did that on mine and its hella comfortable, specially to do toesides without putting your feet on the edge of the board. 

    Nice metagame downhill board, not all in life is grip though, enjoy the funnier longer slides of a narrower wheel from time to time man... hell those wheels don't even have round lips!

  • @F Llabata for sure, the reason I like grippier wheels is a lot of the roads I skate have a lot of entrances for cars and grippier wheels let me shutdown quicker. It's almost never a problem but it's fresh on my mind because a couple of months ago a car didn't see me coming down and turned in front of me. In that case, grippier wheels wouldve slowed me down much more before I slammed into it. Im mostly recovered now but I like grippy wheels from a safety standpoint. For the hills with no entrances, I love these for a hands down version of freeride. I can do standups but I like the control of hands down more.

  • @Alex Guerra Oh well, I get why you want more stopping power 😅😅😅. Be safe out there!

  • Two footstops, good lord. Stand harder. 

  • It's mostly insurance on chundery chip and seal roads. My feet definitely move around when I'm going hard on heelsides. I'm sure it's a technique thing but I'd rather not explode unnecessarily as I learn better weight distribution.

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