Venom magnums 74mm

  • Magnums are know for being the grippest wheel on the market. There urethane is super high rebound making it roll very well and hold a consistent yet aggressive slide. Best used for skating fast grip runs or for racing, magnums will always give you the edge over your competitors/friends.

  • praying for the return of the magnum thane formula 🙏


  • @Diego Murray I think they've made a new formula, zak lost tha mach 1

  • How do you lose a wheel formula? Oopsie

  • @Gabriel Fockler I know I'm reviving an old thread, but my understanding (from a couple 2nd and 3rd-hand sources) is that they didn't lose the formula, but their raw materials supplier slowly changed the chemstry of their ingredients to the point where the urethane was no longer the same. Apparently it was a minor change for the supplier that had a huge effect on the final product. Venom had to channel their energy into finding new raw materials that replicated the feel and competiveness of the old Mags, which is why the new Gallo24 formula is similar to the old goo but slightly different.

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