Rogue Slalom Trucks

  •        I just tried out my new to me set of Rogue slalom trucks for the first time today and I had a great time on them.  Coming from Aeras and Zealous trucks, these were my first set of trucks with no bushing seats.  The ability to correct your line mid slide exists on Zealous Downhill Slaloms, but it's even easier on the Slalom Rogues.  I'm running mine with the stock bushing setup of 73a/78a 95a/97a with 97a front and 95a rear inserts.  Compared to the same setup on Zealous trucks, the board really just does everything I want it to without doing anything weird.  Slides feel extremely calm, though how I currently have it set up it is almost too slidey in the rear truck.  I may experiment with harder inserts and softer rear bushings to see if I can get it to feel a little grippier in the rear.  Standup is definitely harder to do on them than the Zealous, but with good form it is entirely still possible, and feels really good.  I'm still getting used to how much weight is needed in the front to get these trucks to corner to their best ability.  I haven't taken them down a big run yet, but I plan to take them out soon and will report back on how they were.  If anyone has any advice for setting these trucks up with different inserts please send the info my way :)

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