Where do I start?

  • So you want to get into skating?

    Maybe have bad balance? Maybe you’re athletic but you’re afraid of getting hurt? Maybe you’re not athletic but you want a new hobby? Maybe you want to commute to work / class in a more fun way?

    Well guess what, Longboarding is hands-down the easiest way to get into skateboarding. Whether you want to continue Longboarding after progressing a bit or want to learn to go to the skatepark or throw yourself down some stairs, the beginning stages couldn’t be easier than they are on a longboard.

    • If you have bad balance, or skated in the past and had a bad time because of pebbles or bad pavement, it’s time to try longboarding. Longboards are generally larger, more stable, have better dampening and have larger wheels to help you roll smoothly over cracks and bumps.


    Longboarding has multiple different disciplines:

    • Cruising, Carving
    • Surfskate
    • Pumping
    • Long Distance Push
    • Slalom
    • Downhill
    • Freeride (drifting)
    • Dancing and Freestyle


    The last 3 are the favorites of us here at Wrongboarding.

    Many videos of the latter disciplines look gnarly when you first start, but you don't have to go that hardcore to have lots of fun. Longboarding generally yields serious injuries way less often than street skating when caution is taken, although, you’re bound to fall lots in the beginning.


    We’ll be posting a series of tutorials featuring a variety of riders in the sport to help you go from literally stepping on a board for the first time, to doing giant spin tricks or bombing hills or both. Your choice.

    Longboarding has one of the tightest knit, accepting, fulfilling communities that I’ve ever personally been a part of. I’ve made more friends through Longboarding than anything that I’ve ever done. I know it’s corny, but I’m beyond happy to share this with you, as well as, to share this community hub with you to help you get more tutorials or find people to skate with.


    This series will contain threads involving:

    And more....


    We will also be posting a gear guide, but we do have forum sections for whatever you’ll need to ask.

    Pst… you're in the right place, this is the ‘beginner’s corner’.

    Feel free to reply to this post.


    With love,

    • Christian <3



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