Ready for wheelbite- I mean roasting.

  • New Comet Ethos, Caliber precisions 48/38 140mm, 88 Mcflys.

  • That setup wants freeride wheels

  • @Gabriel Fockler In all honesty... those ARE freeride wheels. 

  • @Bobomatic they're square lipped massive downhill wheels meant for glovedown fast riding.

    Calling that "freeride" is technically within the realm of freeriding I guess, but I think that the term "freeride wheel" is generally understood to be like a 75-65mm round lipped centerset slidy wheel, meant for riding switch, doing spins, etc. 

    That's very cool to be like "yeah I freeride big race wheels" but it comes off as posturing to me. 

    Would you really prefer to do switch slides or shuvit slides or whatever on these wheels instead of a "normal freeride wheel"? 

  • @Gabriel Fockler they are LDP wheels. I have seen dudes Freeride them on weighted tiny boards in Aus.

  • @Gabriel Fockler Don't ride switch, none of the above. These, to me, are freeride wheels on my weighted tiny deck (take that Kurt 🤣)

  • I guess really it depends on your definition of freeride. To me, it's whatever gets me down the hill without focusing on getting there the fastest possible... an extraneous slide here and there, high speed carving, anything that is skating down a hill without approaching it as a race run is freeride. 

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