CMM: LDP is more hardcore than downhill.

  • Change my mind:

    - LDP is more hardcore than downhill.

    - Also Jezus Cinco is the mayor of this sport.

  • what is so hardcore about wiggling 15mph in spandex 😂😂

  • Low quality bait, nice try. 

  • there are less letters in dh and spelling is hard


  • Lmao why would you use a picture of this chud tho

  • They are to be combined. You're supposed to push up the hills you skate down. If you aren't already doing this you're a kook. 

  • Haha !

    The only thing I regret is it's not the same public. And you tend to rarely find riders who practice both. I am more of downhiller, but I really appreciate my LDP rides too. It's just longboard, and I love it

  • LDP is manipulating your board by shifting your weight.  This action inherently unbalances your board and upsets your equilibrium.  Any rock or sand or loose shit in the road will exacerbate these and throw you off the board.  Acknowledging the inherent danger in DH/freeride/racing, I think it's very safe to say that slams in LDP are often harder...DH/freeride slams are more spectacular, but since riders are more geared up, they're often less devastating.


    I'm using "long distance pumping" as the LDP acronym here.

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