Putting on some weight...

  • So, I'm thinking of putting on some weight.

    Never tried a weighted board before truthfully. Thinking about grabbing a re-drill set from Pats.

    - What's it like with a little extra weight in the front, say a 2 lb diving weight like this pic?

  • for me it makes the board sit flatter in the slide and makes kick outs more gentile. Small but important difference maker imo is add a spacer so the weight is not just flat to the deck it's makes it more of a pendulum and gives that little extra sauce. 

    Big note if you like loose trucks on big boards there's a very high chance you will hate the way it feels. 

  • @Hayden Bean You able to hit the Hat this weekend? I want to try out a weighted setup if you have one on you.

  • I've tinkered with weights and found that as a 160-170lb rider that a 3lb weight would be great for bigger grippier wheels and a 1-2lb weight is great for slide wheels like snakes. 

    i found that it made my trucks a couple duro softer (probably due to the weight just sitting on the front of the board)

    id recomend messing with the weight placement as well as i found having mine behind my front foot to be very comfortable but its a preference

    i say give it a shot! 

    slide initiation and slide control is where the weight shines 


  • @Teplitzskate I can't hit the hat it's like 6 hours away for me if I'm ever at a session tho you are welcome to use my board 

  • @Teplitzskate What board are you thinking for this? I've been running weights but only on small boards... from what i've seen they're not as effective on wheelbases above 22-23. 

    In addition to what's already been said about freeriding I've noticed it takes the "lippiness" away to a pretty good extent from square lipped wheels, they release and hook up a lot more like a round lip. Also found my setups had a more defined center which makes sense because that's where the weight is gonna want to stay. 

    One thing though.... the downside of holding out standies being easier is you do lose some braking power. Be prepared, it'll catch you by surprise. 

  • @Teplitzskate from what I've gathered and mulled over in my mind, weights really only have an effect when the board is inherently highsidey and you want to get the effects of the small wheelbase, massive split but have it Freeride. From what I've heard it really only has an effect with 50Degree front truck and 25 or less back and a sun 20" wheelbase. I feel like if your trying to Freeride a board like that, your trying to basically just bang race lines standup which would be highsidey af/ impossible for most riders without a weight.

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