@Kelsey Slides this goes unbelievably hard
@Kelsey Slides this goes unbelievably hard
Bro should drop some new footy during the offseason this is like one of the few hands down freeride vids I rewatch
Who is your DH soty and why is an Jan Nogueras if I forgot someone tell me I'm an idiot in the comments
@Teplitzskate I can't hit the hat it's like 6 hours away for me if I'm ever at a session tho you are welcome to use my board
for me it makes the board sit flatter in the slide and makes kick outs more gentile. Small but important difference maker imo is add a spacer so the weight is not just flat to the deck it's makes i...
Most underrated raw run imo is Pat Dorts from NCMB
Weights what works for you what doesn't what does it actually do? I run a 3lb weight i definitely feel a difference in terms of grounding the board. The biggest difference maker imo is pro...
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