Magnums vs The World?

  • So all I see nowadays is people riding Venom Magnums and they're in every podium.

    I've ridden Alphas, HD Centrax, Sigmas, Summits, K Rimes, In Heats and Kegels. Why are Mags better than everything else? Or what's better than Mags rn?

    I'm really curious how they feel and how they compare to the other DH wheels, considering I've never ridden them myself. Debating if I should keep a set for myself lmao.

  • Different wheels serve different purposes, or styles, and Magnums have been pretty well the standard for racing over the last few years because they have racked up the most wins (which is also a lot easier to do when the majority of racers are on them). Magnums have a wider margin of error than do other race wheels, ie, you can make a mistake and not blow your line or exit speed as easily as other race wheels today. This said, Seismic and the Alpha have not been without their own pedigree, especially with Adrien Paynel (Frenchy) on them taking names (and podiums) this year. The other bit about any race wheel really is that they are discarded by top racers after just a few runs down the hill on them so the scene is always awash in race wheels, and they end up being used for freeriding too - scrubbed race wheels have been sold for as little as $5-$10 at the track, which is great bang for the buck for the casual DH skater who doesn't need race quality perofrmance, just something to smoke on the hills. 

    Comparing them to a 72mm Powell me, even in 80a Race Formula isn't a fair fight when my wheel is basically 2cm narrower. You should be comparing them to other contemporary race wheels like the Alpha, and hopefully soon, the Powell 78mm. 

  • @Teplitzskate I hear the older ones (yellow leaves) are PERFECT and the reds are still really good but not quite as legendary, at least when being used for the same lines, I havn't had at them yet personally. 

    For big events, popularity on podiums can just mean great riders are ABLE to win on the brand that they think supports them best.

    **Full disclosure- we sell venom stuff**

    @Kevin Reimer Seismic has very good gear, I don't have a bunch of cash or I'd riding their wheels more than just as scrubs. 

    Saw the news on your wheel race wheel dropping and have since been waiting on it as patiently as posible. 

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