Baseplate Compatibility Thread

  • This thread was long overdue.

    So basically Abuga posted this chart a while ago on his site ( and it's been floating around for quite a few years. Obviously it's old, probably from around 2013. Originally someone posted it on Silverfish and it's made its rounds by now. I remember using this back in the day to try split angle stuff and I still play around with baseplates today for this reason.

    Some trucks have shared geometry and pivot sizes so the baseplates are swappable for different angles.

    Low angle = more stability, more lean, less turn.

    High angle = less stability, less lean, more turn.

    So here's the key for the chart:

    Here's the chart:


    One of the most common baseplate swaps out there is Caliber Hangers or Paris Hangers w/ Randal 35° Baseplates. I currently use this on my main DH/FR setup - Caliber 9" Raked 44°/35° and I find it's pretty damn good.

    Also if you find old Caliber kingpins aren't durable enough (I've read this around a few times, but never had the issue myself), you can just swap to a Paris Baseplate since the kingpins have lower tolerances.


    Anyone know any compatibility of Bear Gen 6 trucks? Honestly really want to try them in 130mm but can't find a low enough baseplate. I don't like de-wedging and messing with height. Don't even suggest it to me :^).

  • IMO small wedge or riser in the back to raise the back of the board just a little bit is the move for anything 130 or below with a big split (15 degree or more of split). For your purposes tho, im pretty positive they are dropping a 30° plate soon, might be worth it to just wait for those. 

  • @Chris Wroblewski ok fine, maybe I'll try it ♥️


    What's the purpose of raising the rear? I've always been neurotic about keeping it 100% level.

  • Most ronin stuff is cross compatible with itself fyi.

    Boardnamics needs to be on their, 48/33 split precision cals esentially for a little less, and a extra 10 mm of width. Anything else? 

  • I believe for lower angles on bear gen 6 trucks you can use bear precision baseplates. Never been able to find one for sale though.

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