How to check if the bushings you have on are good for you

  • Dialing in bushings goes way farther than anything else when it comes to making a setup you have, work well for you, here is a good test of bushings for people who are just starting out:

    Standing with feet in the same area as where they will stand when riding.

    Position your feet perpendicular to the deck.

    Lean all the way forward or backwards. 

    Ok now for the results-

    If it didn't take lots of effort for you to tap the wheel to the bottom of your deck your trucks are too loose.

    If you did tap your wheel agains the bottom of your board but it took ~90% of your weight or more your bushings are good to go.

    If you lifted your wheels on the other rail of the deck not being pushed into, but on the pushed into side, the wheels were only a couple mm away from the bottom of the deck, you are good to go.

    If you lift the wheels on the opposite side of the deck with minimal effort, your bushings are too tight.

         *note, rear truck being left too tight is the only cost saving to be done for bushings. All other adjustments MUST be made via new bushings.


    If you need new bushings I suggest using the same bushing formula and buying the same type with a adjusted duro. (Higher duro is harder, lower duro is softer, different formulas lean different amounts compared to each other in the same duro.) If you need to change your bushings here is a how to :)

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