Roast my setup

  • landyachtz blaze pt, aera p2s 50/30, seismic defcon medium bushings 77a/81a front 93a/97a rear, pats risers inserts, skate tech torque block, pats risers footstop, zealous bearings, riptide pivot cups, for wheels probably Powell or mids, and free friction griptape because it's cheap (also a 1/8 riser in the back only)

  • I like it tbh, except not a fan of the deck, personally 

  • This setup looks like every other "performance enhancing" piece of equipment is nullifying another. Pinning line top of the line downhill trucks with the slidiest wheels, a torque block on a micro dropped board? Unstable at speed bushings on stable at speed splits? Cmon man, keep it stock or gtfo.

  • @Kurt Derow just wait till I put screws in it and put the weight back on

  • @Logan Neikirk go ahead make the slidiest race board even more slidey, the guardrails are more suggestions anyways.

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