Learing to downhill but falling a lot?

  • If you are feeling discouraged about downhill skating this writeup might give you some encouragment :)

    Starting downhill is chalk full of falling for 99% of people, you should expect to be falling or at least failing for minumus, the first ~50 full send, proper form, proper gear, slide attemps. Both toeside, and healside. 

    If you are feeling like it is a endless cycle of falling, trust me it is not, you will get it. If you did some research about proper gear and the proper way to learn you are likley already on the right track and are just in the middle of putting in the work, getting it slowly but surely.

    If you want to do more to make sure you get it quicker, with less falling, most of the time I suggest going a little faster and more sendy as the faster you go the easier it is to break traction. 

    Also getting videos of yourself to compare, or have someone more experianced compare how you look vs should look in your attempts can bring more clarity to the issues you may not see from a first person perspective.

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