
  • skatetech footstops are garbage. Literally the worst design for a footstop, probably was never tested or put to foot. 100% do not buy!!!

  • Do they break or simply uncomfortable?

  • @Nik Andes maybe hit up skatech and voice your concerns to them instead so they can improve upon your input.

  • @Nik Andes Which one did you get

  • What happened? Toestop of footstop? 

    Give us more details dawg

  • This is not very specific ngl, skatetech is happy to improve/alter designs based on feedback, and depending on circumstances we (wrongboarding) can figure out something to mend the bad experiance. 

  • Pics of what you're complaining about? I've seen a few of these around san diego and the reviews I've heard are pretty positive. 

  • @Nik Andes As the designer I can tell you these have been heavily tested and I've gotten a lot of positive feedback.  Did you have it as a pivoting footstop with the risers or did you use an old truck bushing? Or did you have it locked down with two bolts and the riser plate?  The red colored wrongboarding/skatetech version was an initial design which has now being transitioned to a TPU which won't ever break - is that what you have?  If so where did you place it? 

    The inner curve of the footstop matches Vans absolutely perfectly(I took 6 section profiles from the side of a shoe to make that curvature, however it matches up better when the middle of the footstop is centered on your pinky toe or just behind it like this. 

    Can you provide some more input, pic of your set up, height you have, etc?

    These are the 2 newer designs made out of TPU.  The inner curve has been altered ever so slightly so it hugs your foot no matter where you have it on your shoe.

  • @Logan Neikirk they can break if you torque them down to much with a Pan head screw instead of with the included flat head bolts, or if your board flips a lot.  But the new TPU design is literally indestructible though even if the board flips.

  • @Logan Neikirk the spot that you put your foot against is shaped all wrong. The bottom most part of the footstop touches your shoe, but it doesn't make much contact and above that is a huge gap.

  • @SKATETECH I'm not talking about it breaking. Fir one it was brand new, two the problem stems from where your foot maces contact with the footstop. Worst design for a footstop ever, I'm so pissed that I bought this piece of garbage. 

  • @SKATETECH I didn't even put it on my board I simply put it against my foot and realized that it is not the right angle to curve over your foot to really lock you in there. Look at the riptide slab, scythe trex footstop. That is the way a footstop should curve over your foot, period. If you refuse to do this then your products are inferior and not ergonomic at all.

  • @SKATETECH can you send me one of the new ones. I am very dissatisfied with that garbage footstop that I bought from you. I even tried sanding that old footstop for about 2 hours and finally gave up and threw it in the trash where it belonged. The fact that you made those and sent them out to purchase is so annoying. 

  • @Sam Diefenbacher large footstop 

  • @Rango Fett the shape was all wrong right out of the package. I tried sanding it for a little over 2 hours and gave up and threw it in the trash where it belongs! 

  • @SKATETECH vans are also terrible shoes. Use all shoe types so that it conforms to all shoes. 

  • It's okay to not like this specific footstop, but replying 5x in a row about how the product sucks but you also want a free one is funny. 

    I will suggest a riptide inside footstop perhaps. It has a more generic curve and hits lower on the shoe. 

    It sounds like you want something that hooks more over your foot? I think that's overkill, but maybe consider a riptide slab. People seem to like those. 

  • @Nik Andes This is true with almost every single footstops on the market, the only ones that come to mind that have curvature over the top that engages with the foot are the 2 you mentioned compared to the mass of other designs out there- the riptide slab (although they also have another 5 that do not have any overhang whatsoever) and Scythe, which are both good footstops imo- I recomend Scythe personally if you are willing to pay 4x the price. That is what I did personally before Skatetech was convinced to print for other people than himself. 

    The riser for the footstoop you received can be removed to enact more locking down force than you may have thought you would experiance- although the design is meant to minamize that compared to the 2 others on the market that wrap over, as falling with your foot hooked into your board more is a saftey concern.

    Regardless- it sucks you had a bad experiance- if you still have the footstop and want help resolving the issue shoot us a email to and we'll see what we can do. 

  • @Nik Andes how are you gonna crap on the design then ask for a new one? literally stand harder

  • @Nik Andes I'll try to answer all your points regarding the shape and the design, but....

     "I didn't even put it on my board I simply put it against my foot"

    I'm having a hard time getting past the fact that you didn't even mount the footstop or try it out on your board to see what it truly felt like when your foot is pressed into the footstop while skating, seems like a rather premature statement to make.  Technically, you made a very negative review without ever using the product and went off 'looks' alone - which should technically negate your review.  Forces change while skating, shoes flex, warp, twist and even mold to the shape of footstops, especially with the forces we can apply during skating.  It's like putting your foot next to a pair of shoes and saying, "naaa, these are garbage and don't fit" without ever trying them

    However, with that being said, I will address some items you mentioned regarding the 'looks'.  

    "the spot that you put your foot against is shaped all wrong"

    If you had mounted and skated it, I think you would have felt a huge difference.  The inner profile is insanely complicated and is what sets this footstop apart from others(i.e. especially Scythe and Riptide) and this inner profile is what makes it ergonomic.  Lots of people didn't like the Scythe notches as they caused blisters or sore toes whereas this design has no pressure points.   Each yellow line in the CAD image is an actual section profile from a real shoe which creates the highlighted blue surface.

    Here's a video showing how it wraps around the shoe: SKATETECH FOOTSTOP WRAPPING AROUND VANS SHOE

    And if you look at most shoes, they are flat at the bottom near the sole, and then curve up slightly(similar to the pics above).  Same holds true with many other footstops.

    Curving over the foot: This design DOES curve over the top of your foot, and there is a riser plate that allows someone to adjust it to the proper height(the riser plate is 4.5mm for footbrakes).  You can also add little pieces of rubber/extra footbrake material/grip tape or even cut the riser plate in certain spots if needed(i.e. to elevate various corners to change the angle or pitch, etc... but this typically isn't necessary.  Just make it comfortable is the name of the game.  When you are taking high-speed slides or high-g turns you can put a huge amount of force on your toes in the footstop, so really dig your foot intially and see if it feels good to test it out first and make small adjustments.  

    The curve is not as aggressive as a Riptide slab and this was intentional.  I got numerous people saying they didn't like how much it wrapped around their foot and sometimes they had a hard time ejecting the board during a fall, but, they still wanted a little lip which there is.  If you look at the Scythe T-REX side profile below, you can see it starts almost straight up and then has a gentle curve.  I would go with the Riptide slab if you truly want a full wrap around the top of your foot.

    If people think I should add more I would love input(feel free to DM me your thoughts) as it will also flow down into the other footstop designs.  This footstop actually has more curve than the Scythe T-REX as you can see below next to another Riptide which has a very slight negative angled slope.

    The new designs below in the TPU blue(below), will have slightly more wrap around the top of the shoe:


    "vans are also terrible shoes. Use all shoe types so that it conforms to all shoes"

    I'm not going to even bother commenting on the first statement as I'm sure 95% of this forum would disagree with you.  The footstop was tested on Vans Pro, Vans(standard version), Jordans, and Converse - but the majority of shoes are the same in that area. 


    Hope this helps you and the rest of the forum understand all the design work and hours and hours of effort that went into creating these.  This was not some simple design - it's been evolving and I'm always open to constructive criticism to improve upon the design(preferably from people who have actually used it though). 

    So in the future, if anyone has issues, feel free to reach out to me directly, either on here or ideally IG: @_skatetech_ and I'll help you get your torque block, footstop, toe stop - whatever it may be feeling good and will do what I can to help you get sorted out if you're truly unhappy.  At the end of the day, I just want people to be happy with my products and to shred the rad!!! 

  • @SKATETECH this kind of response is why I'll be supporting your business in the future. Super professional, with a ton of information. Kudos. 

  • @Zach Maxon thanks Zach! - greatly appreciate the support and comment! 

  • @SKATETECH can you message me elsewhere so that we can get this straightened out?

  • @Nik Andes I'll gladly help you elsewhere(although you know where to find me on IG), but, under one condition:  You update/edit your initial post to provide a truthful, honest, and more importantly a helpful review for the forum.   

    Explain what kind of shoes you have, if you wear footbrakes and that it only 'looked' like the footstop didn't match up with your shoe, so you decided to throw it in the garbage.  Maybe say it didn't wrap around your foot as far as you would have liked(pics would have been very helpful).  But also, provide a disclaimer saying: I didn't mount this to the board, or even try it out, I simply threw it away because I didn't think it matched up with my shoe profile.  If you can provide some useful information like this to the community, and myself to help improve the product - then I will consider helping you out.

    Claiming the product is 'garbage', and saying do not buy! and repeating yourself with posts, just make you sound like a spam bot who was hired by someone to spam this site and my product.  Because that's literally all you've done within this post without providing any substance/evidence/pics or actual real-world use.  Truly makes me question how you can even leave a review that holds any weight.  Posts/reviews like yours should be deleted from the forum for spamming and misleading people, IMO.

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