Skating in malls/stores

  • So I haven't been skating for too long, only been through one winter that I didn't want to stop skating through so one day me and my kids brought our longboards to a local mall when it was snowing and started skating. 

    We ended up skating for an hour without anyone saying anything to us. I was blown away, I fully expected to get kicked out right away. 

    After that, we started skating in Meijer, Target, other malls, business plazas...everywhere! And while we have been kindly told to leave a few (surprisingly few actually) times, the security guards kicking us always are cool about it and often ask about the longboards. I even got one to try skating!

    Even when I skate childless I still do the same thing, recently brought an inline skater friend who didn't believe in this interior skating life to a mall and we skated around for 45 mins listening to 90s hits being faintly played out of dusty mall speakers 😆it was awesome

    So basically this thread is to encourage everyone to stop being weird and anxious and literally start skating everywhere. Wear a helmet, be respectful and lowkey, and you'll be aight. 🙌

  • Yup, and big wheels are a lot more lowkey than hard wheels, so their is less comotion!

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