Where to grab for toeside glovedowns

  • On toesides, when you are learning, you should grab the rail to ensure proper form.

    Your hand on your heelside of your body should grab the heelside rail. For general positioning it should be about halfway up your front foot in terms of the corresponding position on the heelside rail of the deck.


    You should never be pulling up on the rail, you are simply ensuring your body is in the right place. If you feel like you are accidentally pulling, I suggest keeping your hand straight and touching only your fingertips to the rail.


    If you cannot grab the rail on a toeside glove down, your form is incorrect. This is resolved 99% of the time by moving more weight to the front foot, moving your back foot forward on the deck, moving your booty higher into the air, and or, moving the glove down hand forward.

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