I think I got a pretty roastable quiver, do your best

  • Left to right:

    Owl boards deck (local brand)

    • ugly chop job (used to be a double kick)
    • Scythe V1 footstop
    • Caliber III raked 9"
    • variety of slidey wheels (Hawgs Supremes in the pic)

    Pretty decent freeride setup. I like the Cals, the deck is kinda mid but I got it barely used for 20 € so I don't even mind.

    Rayne Panther

    • Theeve trucks, front wedged a little
    • Snakes

    Cruiser/pump track board. I used to have the deck set up on rkp's and skate it for freeride on it but it's just way too flat for me. 

    Rocket Phoenix 

    • shortened WB in the front (I think it's 21" now)
    • Scythe "just stand harder" combo
    • emergency grip job with bits of leftover grip tape
    • Don't Trip DH-Cybins 50/22°
    • scrubbed Mags or Alphas

    I like the Don't Turns and I don't care what anybody says.

    Comet Shred 33

    • warped
    • Minilogo trucks
    • Remember Pee Wees

    I wanted to learn to tech slide on this board but turns out I suck at skating actual tech slide wheels (I've tried Powell Dragons on it).

    Madness pool deck

    • Atlas street trucks (from the Rayne Panther complete)
    • hard wheels

    These are basically just leftover parts. I don't think I've stood on it since I put it together. I can't actually skate street/park, I can barely ollie. The deck was previously set up with the trucks and wheels that are now on the Shred.

  • Yeah I would not skate any of those tkps

  • @Vašek Got me cofused, old man setups with tkps then new age dh setups. Whats goin on here!?

  • I can barely Ollie.

    My dude, 4/5 of your setups have a kicktail.

  • @RatBürger I know, it's embarrassing lol. I really gotta work on that more.

    I just suck so bad even at just ollies, I've been trying to learn them on and off for about three years with little success and I've gotten pretty frustrated so I haven't been practicing at all recently. 

  • @Matt Needs Wheels a modern board is just way better for hands down skating imo.

    I'm not a fan of all of the new age stuff but getting a smaller board with narrow trucks instantly improved my DH skating.

    But most of my skating is city runs and small hills and for that I still prefer a more classic set up.


  • Nice DTs! 
    Are you running any sphericals? 

  • @David Serate no. I tried a spherical in the front hanger when I first got them but I didn't really like it so I've been running inserts ever since (4 years).

    I have since dialed in the trucks more, my bushing and angle setup has changed and my skating has also improved over the years so I might give it another try.

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