Have any of y'all seen the insta page @dsr_power_rankings? idk who runs it but whoever does has questionable opinions imo. No rankings for womens class, poor justification for rider rankings, and a very vague/avoidant manner of responding to comments
No idea of the people behind it. Although it looks like they will be making posts about the women's competitive scene now that a lot of people are asking for it in the comments, me included. We'll see how this goes.
About the opinions, well, it's their first post 🤣, maybe they will develop their criteria as time goes by and learn from the new points of view given in the comments, making a ranking is not easy.
Also... I wouldn't take something as a monthly top 10 best downhill skaters too seriously. I hope it works better as a means to spread information and give more movement within the community than as a way for discussion to further divide us.
Awesome. I remember when Harry was just another young inexperienced racer at kosakov 2014