@Gabriel Fockler thanks for the feedback. As I get more runs in and gain some experience, we will hopefully see some wheel progression. I have a set of 78mm Phat Boyz, but haven't tried them...
@Gabriel Fockler thanks for the feedback. As I get more runs in and gain some experience, we will hopefully see some wheel progression. I have a set of 78mm Phat Boyz, but haven't tried them...
Thanks for checking out the video. I am new to DH and this video captures that for experience and my thoughts on it. https://youtu.be/CGjiZDDzOww?si=A9gmMPVzo9IrZOy1
Trucks: 158mm Caliber III 50 Degrees in the front for stability 44 in the back Bushings: Venom Purple 87a venom bushings in the front and green 93a venom bushing in the back...
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