Post your social handle here, along with your general area, as well as your discipline (or what you're willing to do) plus any reoccouring events or welcoming groups in your area (anything thats a one time thing goes in large events if its big, or your local chat if its small, not on here.)
@teplitzskate / Los Angeles / Downhill, Freeride, Dancing, Freestyle, LDP / Gel Lab garage nights.
Follow people, set up a sesh, make friends. That's what this sport is about. Don't be antisocial. 😘
@teplitzskate / Central Jersey (yes it exists) / DH, FR, LDP, Dancing, Cruising.
idk, I'll skate anything <3
@thatguynextoyou on all socials I have / Harrisburg area PA / I like to skate down hills
@john_rson we skate big fast let's get it
@TedAslund / moving to Scranton, PA this July / DH, FR, Park, Street, Freestyle, Dance, rusty push, whatever really.
Pretty hyped to see what y'all got to ride!
@Ted Aslund just saw this on the forum! We have crews in the harrisburg area and the reading/philly area. Plenty of spots round all of us if your looking to come down for a sesh sometime. And hit us up about anything you find round you, always up for some adventures! We have a Facebook group called PENNSYLVANIA DOWNHILL (PENN DH) and an instagram called Keystone skate. My instagram tag is @thatguynextoyou.
@Ted Aslund my hometown. @danielj.lindsey on ig
@Ted Aslund check out honesdale sometime
@Daniel Lindsey wait a min, i'm like 40 mins from Honesdale, you tellin' me there's spots out there?