my skating board

  • this is my skating board there are many like it but this one is mine. If you don't have a boat you need a Rooster. TRUST.


    Photo is from Tepe 2024, I ran 164mm K6 46*/42* plates on 87a/90a front 90a/93a back in Venom HPF

  • How heavy is it? They look thick and I've never picked it up I think. Also $$$ tag, they ever do sales?

  • @Matt Needs Wheels It's pretty light it's some sort of bamboo vertlam and carbon construction so relative to board of its size, it feels pretty light.  Rocket usually has some blems on their site for a bit of a discount, or second hand you can find a deal. 

  • @Diego Murray does it ever get tippy with the trucks and wheels being slightly less narrow than the deck?

  • @Teplitzskate Honestly maybe a little bit but I don't mind it much at all.  I prefer a little bit of overhang or railmatch over turtling in my setups.  The setup definitely feels less tippy when its on my 172mm K3's, but I like the nimble feeling a little overhang provides.

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