Aera Truck Thread

  • @Trent Teter i was unable to fit a 5mm spacer on my p2's, they're at 130mm width though so maybe it's different for other axles?

  • Does anyone know of an aera hanger and truck chart? I have no clue what sizes are for most aeras 

  • @Terence Liu p2 not spacable 

  • I've played with the chubby and fat cone vibe on aeras and other precisions with rake. I always land back on barrels. When you do I recommend 95 hardcore bs (adds more stability with the hard core insert than canons and is the same size) with 93 .65 seismic in the back, and 88a hardcore with 87 seismic 6.0 in the front. The idea is to have more support on the lean for fast Freeride with the hardcore inserts, then the bushings are super fluid and great for remaining nimble on harder duros.

  • My bad if it's been addressed before, is there a release date on k7s? I shot an email to Kam looking for a set of 164mm in black and they were like "I asked Kevin and he replied that he does not have any plans to get more Black Hangers at this time.  He is working on the next generation Aera truck right now." Aaayyyyooo papa's gotta get a set in black for this new baby I'm working on ya heard 😂 so either wait for k7 or what

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