Dangerous Rollyplank

  • Custom Rocket board I had made during their custom days sale. It is made in the Don mold, but has the shape/tail of a Rhino Racetail. Main difference from the stock Racetail is that this has forward set rocker (shoutout to the Subsonic Vega for getting me hooked on this). Also had the front flush milled down an extra 4mm so the rear truck sits taller.

    Zealous are stock for now, Krimes more often than not.

  • What's your truck setup! That looks meta as hell.

  • @Teplitzskate 124mm 51/19º 73/78a 93/97a tall HPF with flat washers. I have Seismic tall barrels in the same duro, still trying to dial in on what I prefer. 

    I originally had this setup on the smallest wheelbase with a 3lb weight, but that felt like a death trap. Moving out the wheelbase 2.5" and no weight has made it more approachable for a mid hands-down only skater like myself.

  • @bhr what was the smallest wb and what is it now? Also why the Krimes? Looks like a hardcore setup is there some knowledge I'm missing out on, I'm surprised you didn't spend  money on something a little more in the pavement?

  • @Matt Needs Wheels smallest is 18.5" its now at 21". I learned on Powell wheels; the red krimes have a familiar kickout, but more feedback/brakes than their other formulas.

    I'm a self-admitted kook, this setup is too premo for my skills.

  • I'm really loving my custom rhino racetail. I wish that i had copied your more mellow concave idea. Mine is the stock concave for the racetail, but with an extended 2" on the wheelbase. Im a tall guy and i have a wider stance than most, so this extended one on 22.5wb is treating me right. 

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