Kelleys Island Amazing Race: August 9-11th, 2024

  • August 9th-11th

    Free Event! Organizer: Tim Cernanec(Shoreline_Boarder)

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    Weekend includes a Skate and Explore style weekend where skaters will traverse an island in Lake Erie pushing around on great pavement, cliff jumping, beach bumming, bar crawling, freeriding(on 1 lil righty), longbo dancing, camping, AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!

    Friday- Ferry To the island/Set up camp/Explore

    Saturday- Amaing Race (like the show) Style LDP Event where competitors will push around a 2x4 mile wide island searching for clues to lead to a finish line!

    Sunday- Explore/Pumptrack Meetup on the mainland


    To/From the Island- CARPOOLING WILL BE THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE AND CAMPING FRIENDLY!!! Ferry costs are why this event is FREE. 1 peron($20) + 1 Car($40) = $60. Eventees have the option to pay a flat rate fee of $15 to leave their car on the mainland lot and carry their gear across and still pay the $20 individual fee (only $35). Bikes and certain types of vehicles can be additional costs, see more here, (you would be considered 2 "one way" tickets)

    Do not come to this event expecing a competitive nature around it! This is, and always will be considerd a vacation that includes skateboards. Relax on the beach with the homies, have a beer, and go for a cruise :)

    Search "Kelleys Island Ohio" on google for sneak peaks at the island!

    See you August 9-11th! <3



  • Please tell me that you'll be doing this event again next year! Can't make it this year, unfortunately, but this looks rad. The perfect example of "skate and explore" for sure.

  • This is genuinely so hype, and I really hope this gets more exposure and we can get more colleges to be involved. I wanna see if OSU's longboard club is interested as well as Case Western or University of Toronto

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