Skate video beef. A funny and rad story.

  • Thought I'd share a fun story with y'all,

    The year was 2013. San Francisco is a place nortious for waterfall hills, the most accessible and fun to skate being the sunset district. At the time a crew of downhill skaters frequented that area of SF known as the Sunset Sliders. These shredders came from all over the Bay Area but their headquarters were based out a skate house in the Sunset. The vibes of said crew were, hit us up if your in town and we'll show you the spots and how we skate them. Well, one day, Orangatang wheels riders Ethan Cochard and Kyle Chin came into the sunset and skated and filmed all up and down the area to nobodies knowledge and posted the video. This video,

    The Sunset sliders did not appreciate the orange crew coming into their spots and filming them without their knowledge and at that they felt disrespected, so in retaliation, decided to call a fat session together to film and show how to REALLY skate the Sunset, so the call was put out and Sunset Sliders crew. The call was answered from all up and down California. 20 plus skaters came to this session to film a video all ripping in tandem which was eventually published on Wheelbase Magazine (a rad online site and later physical publication honing in on downhill skateboarding.) This was the video and I was lucky enough to be a part of it.

    It was the passion, the rawness, and orginazation that really drew me in here and hooked me on downhill.

    The Community!

    Have y'all ever seen video beef between two skaters of factions before? This might be the only one to my knowledge.


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