Caliber Kingpins Break Too Easy

  • In my last post about blood oranges, I mentioned Cal 3s. 

    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the feel of Cal 3s for dancing, and was recommended to use them if I wanted to learn truck grinds by pros and people much, much better than me. I love the feel and stability of the turn everytime I carve, do peter pans, its very much so for my quick-step style of dancing. Of course, I've taken it down hills as well. 

    However, even if I love it so much, I'm not sure it's worth the tradeoff of risking eating shit. 

    After around 4 months of use, my Cal 3 kingpin snapped, which was the first ever time I snapped a kingpin (I weigh 110 damn pounds), and I usually ride Paris V3s (3 sets). 

    After I posted it, I had skaters who I consider to be pretty involved in the longboard community (and better than me lol) reach out to tell me that its p common, and that Calibers snap much easier than Paris trucks, with the most common being the most recent Air Trucks by Travelol (which makes sense at least). I also had some people share with me what their snapped Cals looked like, which all were consistent with mine. 

    One thing I found interesting to note, that the snaps within the kingpin look all very similar, with half of the axle exhibiting slightly elevated edges and cracks. I never saved their photos, but did note the similarities. My friend who has also snapped his had an extremely similar break (I don't have a better angle, I've seen it in person tho) :

    This guy was doing downhill on his new marble mini DK, and did a kickflip before the kingpin snap. 

    Is it just well-known in the community that Calibers snap or something? Was this a manufacturing defect? A batch of defect trucks? Torsional Strain? I'm starting to get a little tired of spending money on full circle only for their products last a few months. Regardless, if this is somewhat known within the dance/freestyle community, then ig I'll just stick with Paris V3s with soft otang bushings. Anyone else have this problem or similar pattern of break. 

  • Wow, that's crazy. Adding this to my list of why cal 3s are bad. 

  • Whoa. Never heard of this trend til now. Is that covered under warranty or anything?

    the snaps within the kingpin look all very similar, with half of the axle exhibiting slightly elevated edges and cracks

    IDR if Cal3s have pressed in kingpins, but could this be the knurling/splines to keep it in place? e.g.,

    Knurled kingpin bolt

    But even if so, that's still odd for that to become a weak spot. It'd make more sense to me if the cause is maybe the edge of the baseplate was "too sharp" right there and creates a focal point for all the different forces. 

  • @xmasterZx this is a good analysis, and by someone who def knows what they're talking about (unlike me 😭😂)

    I don't think it's covered under warranty, my friend in person, and some of the ppl who messaged have tried to contact caliber about them, but I never really heard anything come out of it. My friends say it isn't a big deal, and you just have to replace the king pin axle, which is relatively cheap, but idk, seems sus. 

  • @Justin Chang What do they replace the kingpin with? Something upgraded? Also for clarification this is something that happens with dancing? I've never heard this about them before but I'm not in that scene as much yet.

  • @Matt Needs Wheels This is more something that happens with freestyle, but as freestyle is somewhat synonymous/paired with dancing, so I'm not sure if it's as common for freeride/downhill. But after the first guy messaged me (in the original photo about the cals 2 and 3s and airs), I trust his word for it because he's very involved in the dance community (and super friendly).

    Not exactly sure whether or not my friend has replaced it or not, but my other friend and vice prez (who's a material science engineer and developing a lot of extremely cool longbo stuff) recommended that I just replace it and that the replacement kingpin was cheap, but ngl I have no idea how to get one. 

  • @Gabriel Fockler wait lmao what other reasons are on the list I'm curious. Ever since I saw your review on the zealouses and the other precisions I was like dang this guy knows what up and knows their stuff

  • @Justin Chang @Matt Needs Wheels 

    here's a place I'd trust to get kingpins:

    I mostly hear of snapped KPs from LDP/Pumpers or slalom skaters, but it's not too huge of a leap to see it from freestyle and dancers too (I.e., lots of Peter pans or quick carving?). Certainly not as common in freeride/downhill, but it's not unheard of either, just more rare. 

  • @Justin Chang haha, I'm just being a bit hyperbolic. I do think that not adjusting the 50 plate to take tall bushings was a big mistake, especially because they also didnt bother to fix that on the new precisions. People like tall bushings, people like to use 50/30 for downhill. You won't be able to do this in precision cals, because they didn't change the 50 baseplate. It also means that you can't use talls in split cast cal 3s. 


    No clue why they wouldn't change the 50 plate. 


    I also think that the cal 3 is an overcorrection from the rakeless "i cant turn" cal 2s. They added too much rake, so the 3s feel twitchy to me. 


    I also find the caliber guys to be corny in general, but that's just me hating. The trucks are "fine" but I'm not a fan. 

  • @Justin Chang Thanks for turning lost forever info to not lost forever info. Yeah I've never heard of them breaking in downhill/freeride, which is where I'd be really not ok with that happening, but the forces of dancing ect are a bit higher than what cast cals go through on a incline.

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