What's wheel do you hate the most?

  • What wheel do you absolutely hate. What characteristics do you hate about it?


    I got a set of mis-poured Powell wheels at an event and they're absolutely my least favorite wheel. I hate them like a moistcorndog. They have a tough kickout but then ice out. Like that the fuck is that?

  • I started skating end of 2018 when snakes were $44. Snakes and Krimes have held it down for me, but there are few wheels I've tried and instantly hated.

    Cloudride Iceeez: I won them in a giveaway, and gave them away first sesh I took them to. Kicked out like shit, didn't slide far, and were slow as shit. Powell Peralta might have ruined my perception of what freeride wheels are, but the Iceeez were not it.

    88 McFly standards: I had these on a LDP setup, they were just slow as shit. Really should of just paid the extra $15-20 for Speedvents and not support a company with questionable business practices. 

    Used RAD Advantages: I had bought 3 sets of heavily beveled RAD Advantages that were just unexplainably bad. They were about 67-68mm in diamater and cut like a classic shape hardwheel. Mad inconsistent, they could be pure ice or just have the harshest brakes you'd find on a round lip wheel.

  • @bhr Without putting out my personal liking or disliking of any wheel, I do think it is wild to read what I just read about Iceez, for years Iceeez level of slide was considered to be around a lower level of grip with anything a step or 2 lower being a form killer since there's no kickout.

    I feel like the shift in wheel grip could have come from people getting more grip and propper control from smaller setups and taking better lines or less technical ones.

  • @Teplitzskate pretty old but fireball infernos/ cloudride slides, they had this super weird shape that got wider as it got smaller and the urethane was to grippy as is and just got even more funky 

  • Sims mids suck butt

  • @bhr Okay, can someone tell me what's going on with the 88 wheel co? I like the Mcflys but I keep hearing the reputation around them is questionable. As someone who's only gotten into longboarding recently, I;ve only recently heard about the "stabbing in the back" and "effing other people over" within the industry. 

  • @Justin Chang it was originally started as a collaboration between Pantheon and the person behind boa wheels, who's known to screw people (search "Jed Boards" on google)


    Pantheon is now making their own wheels 

  • Sector 9 marshmallows. For how small they are, they hardly have any edge grip yet have incredible stopping power for their size and hook up really gross. 

    idk how anyone can ride a wheel that wants to throw you off that bad. 

  • I can think of a lot of bad wheels, some old and some new. 

    Nersh money hacks - got a concussion on these in 2011. 

    Cults - ice cube wheels. Slid into a fence on my first run. 

    Reflex thane abec 11 freeride - honk. Absolutely cursed wheels 

    Cloudride iceez - these feel like knockoffs. Gross slide and weird edges. 

    Liam morgans - tremendously grippy for a freeride wheel. Flatspots if you look at it wrong. 

    Blood orange smokes - Fred Flintstone wheels. How can they roll like rocks but have such a bad grippy slide? 

    Powells when they are swirled - pain. 

    Arbor sucrose - do you like highsiding? 

    Orangatang wheels other than skiffs or fat freestyle- these have been out like a decade with no changes. Please get the new thane technology please. 

  • @Gabriel Fockler what would you think about cults for garages. I want desperatly for a 70mm wheel that slides like a normal skate wheel. Doubt cults are that ice. 

    I remember Iceez being what I expect from a mid wheel, maybe it was another one of there wheels that I had rode.

  • @Matt Needs Wheels if you can get your hands on some of Cult's TFR thane, or some creators, they actually are that ice 

  • Fireball Beasts. Sucked in every imaginable way. 

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