Bushings for Freestyle (not dance)?

  • I don't feel like there's much dancers/freestylers here lol but anyways:

    Does bushings matter for freestyle? Would they help with the energy transfer with popping and other tricks?

    I know for dance typically you use softer bushings for smooth flowy carves, but what about freestyle? Would you use hard bushings for a stronger pop?

    I'm using a double barrel setup truck (shout out to Luxe Trucks) when I've only been familiar with barrel-cones before. Does the double barrel bushing setup have any difference?

    Again, I vaguely remember my friend saying that bushing setup is really subjective, and more so tailored to the riders personal preference. Any thoughts?

  • Not into freestyle or dance, but I can weigh in a bit on bushings! Double barrel is definitely going to have more rebound, and it'll want to return to center sooner than a barrel-cone setup will. The way I look at it is, in most cases, more urethane means more rebound and a stronger desire to bounce back to center.

    With that being said, I definitely think that freestyle will want a quicker return to center since it's a bit more explosive than dance.

    The thing that gets really tricky is urethane formulas! There are a ton, and you really have to try them to know if you like them since, as you said, it really comes down to rider preference.

  • @Zach Maxon 

    Thanks Zach! This was still super helpful even if you weren't a dancer/freestyler. I think I might experiment with harder bushings, since the double barrels alr give more rebound for dance carves, peter pans and etc, so I'd wanna focus on the energy transfer. 

    I wonder if that means double barrels are useful for all around skating for multiple disciplines (focusing on being able to dance, LDP and downhill) or again subjective. 

  • @Justin Chang anytime! I think it all comes down to personal preference, for sure, but I've been using double barrel (or larger bushings) in pretty much every setup I've ever used, except for park boards (those are usually barrel-cone or double cone).

    For me, it feels like I have more control over the board when I've got a higher amount of rebound. I'll switch up duros when I want to experiment, and that gives me different levels of feel, too! My next step is to start experimenting with formulas, but that'll be later in the summer after the event I'm preparing for.

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