Are boards getting too small??

  • This looks like the work of a madman, and I'm all about it. Now go film a part with it so we can see it in all of its glory!

  • Senderson.


    But yes they are getting too small generally. Ride some big boats. They're still fun.

    I'm skating a 44" x 9.4" double kick with a 28" wheelbase on Cal 3 50s lately and that shit RIPS.

  • @Teplitzskate that's definitely a boat! Remember the Earthwing Hightailer? Absolutely massive board - 44" long, 10" wide, shaped like a popsicle. So much fun back in the day. I'd kill for another one.

  • @Zach Maxon OH SHIT DUDE. That thing was SICK. 

    Remember the Brad Edwards 40?


    Saw someone recently rocking a shape like this. My buddy Timmy B (@skate_music_timmy_b ) has a custom shape with faceplant which is big and flat with two kicktails and honestly freaking rips too.

  • @Teplitzskate dude those GIANT skateboards were so much fun to skate, no matter how you were skating them. That Gravity is a rad board, too! I'd grab another one, but I know I'd never use it haha.

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