what is the best weight and why is it the shangang gold brick

  • the shangang gold brick has a carbon fiber piece for weight savings and increased stiffness, thus it is the best 

    rocket brick? too many hard edges and cork drives the price up because it doesnt grow on trees

    scythe nuke? too slippery and the aero under your deck doesn't even matter

    random weight plate? you're just adding cast parts to your board, precision immediately goes down 

    scuba weight? are you TRYING to summon scuba jones? 

    clearly, the shangang brick is the best. 

    shangang best bric

  • Carbon fiber=weight savings. Hm if you are trying to save weight I'd just not add the weight....


    I'm lowkey sold on the gold since they'd be pretty with my rouges, but I'm not sold on weights in general yet. Need a legit in depth article on how they feel for people who skate like me (~35 mph gloves down, not pushing the limit on anything ever.)

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