How a discount code might not be a homie move

  • Discount codes are sick. I want to buy stuff for cheaper. 

    Sometimes they are not put out for sick reasons and they act a lot like affiliate links, where a manufacturer, retailer etc, will pay someone to connect customers to them. Discount codes can help sellers directly track how a consumer got a sale and will give the person who encouraged the sale, some money for it.

    Having a financial incentive to sell a product, may incourage someone to promote a product they would not otherwise. I have not seen this much in longboarding, but be wary just in case.

    I see this in gym content all the time.

  • That's a good point. On the other hand, a deal is a deal right? I'm not turning down any discount codes 🤣

  • @Gabriel Fockler Me neither, I've never seen this type of marketing in DH in a weird way. Just to reiterate, the point at hand is how it MAY be used to promote a product that would otherwise not be promoted. 

    I'm sure you have seen a review of something that has ended in "use code XYZ at checkout to get 10% off"... if not convinced to buy something before said reveiw, just saying keep an eye out on what that reveiw might have not pointed out negatively etc.

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