
  • Markers are a super sick mess around at faster freeride speed, or doing some glove downs in the 30-40 mph range. They are at there best for the first 2-3 sesions out of the package wheel IMO. These leave a medium amount of thane starting about 4 feet into a glovedown, and they last about 10 sessions to the core. The first few sesions are the most slidey. Once the rounded lip is worn down and they "become" square lip wheels they are a pretty grippy by 2024 standards for freeride, then they become more slidey again when they are smaller as most wheels do. Don't forget to break em in after rotating or you won't have fun (I learned my lesson by going from 25ish- to trying to kickout a standie- to getting right below what I would concider hurt lmao). And if you are going from a cheat wheel to these, you are gonna have to learn to actually kickout if you got away with not doing so previosly. They are a little harder and more on top of the pave then some other similar wheels, so no race lines or anything, but if you are looking for a good pricepoint on the skating I described, in May 2024 these are your wheel. Also, if you are getting ready to start to try to push your limit on speed as a starter, you will need grippier wheels than these, so these, or something like them will help you out a lot.

    The first time I rode them was at a event, where the owner of Muir tossed me a free set after seeing grom me skating flatspoted almost cored wheels with no backups. I loved em, but the 50 (2017 dollars) price tag scared me away. When they went on sale for 20$ I bought 7 sets. They are currently still at a pretty good price for the type of wheel they are at 40$. 

  • I would stock up now if you love them because I heard that they are discontinued as Muirskate is merging with Motion Boardshop.

  • @David Serate They merged about 6 years ago after not making enough to keep the doors open according to what they officially said and word on the street. In all honesty I simply don't have the cash to buy these types of wheels, if I had $ on hand I'd ride wheels like these, seismics, old sector 9 wheels etc exclusively. 

    There's quite a few older brands out there that expect to be done with their wheels when they sell out, but that generally takes a bit if production isn't in house as getting good prices means buying huge batches.

    I feel that wheel prices on the consumer end, in part have gotten worse because of less people in the scene causing risk of no return selling wheels. Hopefully there is a second wave with a past for us all to look back at and learn from, good and bad.


    Sorry for the tangent hahahaha heres a link and copy paste of Muir's ending. 

    "With much regret, we are in the beginning stages of closing our doors here at Muirskate. Due to a few very extra cold Winters and various forces beyond our control, our current financial situation does not allow for us to continue into the 2018 Spring and Summer seasons. Maintaining adequate Inventory levels have been a measure of Customer Service for Muirskate. Without a continuous flow of inventory, we cannot live up to our commitment of providing you with the customers service that you expect from us. I want to apologize personally to you and to our manufacturers for our current situation. Our final day in business is tentatively set for April 25th.
    Muirskate has the best damn customers in the world! I enjoyed reading your order comments! Special thanks to all our friends and supporters over at Reddit Longboarding and the late Silverfish. You spread the word and help others live the longboarding lifestyle. Lastly, thank you to all who have helped in building the Muirskate Legacy." With more after.

  • They're pretty fun at jones, just don't 90 blast them or they'll be toast.

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