What should I try after my DT DH Cybins?

  • As the title says, what precisions should I try after my DH cybins? 

    Right now I'm loving the feel of the spherical in the hanger up front and I run a 50/20 split. I eventually want to go narrower & get a real small board (rocket excalibur / rocket don?) 

    Current things on my radar: 

    • ronins 
    • robot oblivions
    • scythe reapers

  • Check out Zealous Slaloms! Been rocking mine for the past year and really like them.

  • I'm gonna second Zealous. The split is right in your zone, and they skate far better than their price. You can pretty much do anything on them... they absolutely slam for freeride. Check out Fabio Minnig on Instagram, he's been on them for a bit. 


    That said... more I hear about Reapers... but they are BIG money. 

  • Another vote for zealous. Very overpowered for their relatively cheap price. I did a review post a while back, they're very nice for small board freeride as well. 

  • I've heard the zealous are very good, and i've seen em for like 260 recently - I'm a bit worried as reviewers (owen campbell) said they felt a bit more restrictive than the DH cybins (his favorite truck). I do have a homie that rides a custom set of reapers. 

    How do the zealous feel compared to something with a spherical? Additionally, how small can I get wheels on the zealous (might get em just to core wheels)? What color goes fastest? 

  • @David Serate Can't speak on sphericals because I've never skated them (another thing intriguing me about Reapers)... but Bryce said something like 44mm or basically a Cobra Core as a minimum. As for colors, I got raw because raw looks sick on any setup, and i'm cheap. 

    In terms of restriction... haven't tried this personally but i've heard of people running a cone roadside in the front to get a little room around the bushing seat. Makes sense that could work. 

  • @David Serate

    Price msrp in usd 2024

    ronin - 575

    Robot obliv - 475

    Scythe reapers - 710

    Zelous - 315

    Rojas - 😬


  • @Bobomatic I'm a huge fan of the "feel" of a hanger spherical as it feels like there's less resistance to turning the front end and I can dive turn a lot faster/tighter. 

    I have a friend who's on scythe reapers of some width so i'll likely ask them how they feel etc. 

  • I went from 130-148mm DH Cybins to 106-119 Rogue Slalom (v1s), no sphericals in either for me though. The jump from cast trucks to DH Cybins felt like a huge upgrade, and then the move to the narrower Rogues felt like just as big of an upgrade too. The amount of leverage/control over turning increased a lot from the narrower width and I finally felt like I could stop shuffling back and forth across the deck to get the full range of motion I wanted out of my setup. 

    If I didn't get such a good deal on my Rogues and if the Zealous were around at the time, I probably would've bought those. I like the "no bushing seat" of the Rogues, but it seemed several of my friends who got the Rogue Slaloms too might've enjoyed the bushing seat of the Zealous slaloms a bit more. 

    I'm currently riding Scythe Reapers and I think they're great! They are my first "full spherical" truck and they also have no bushing seat. They give me all the things I wanted from the Rogues, and they do feel more precise over the worn out inserts and sloppy, DIY'd kingpin mod (fixed now). I set the Reapers up nearly identically to my Rogues, except I swapped the front 78a bushing for a 81a bushing because the extra rake (13mm) could let the hanger touch my KP washer and I just wanted to minimize that possibility. I don't have any complaints about them besides I wish they were cheaper so I could buy more sets lol

    Edit to add- I chose my widths to rail match on my deck (Happy Thunder V1) when setup with Mags, but really, I mostly ride freeride wheels so the deck has a good bit of overhang. But that's no issue for me since freeride wheels slide more easily anyway, and I prefer the agility/handling of the narrow trucks over "perfect" rail match at all times

  • @Matt Needs Wheels Don't forget to convert from NZD to USD for Robot Obilvion. They're $760-825 NZD, but that's only $450-490 USD

  • @xmasterZx oop, thanks, edited

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