Blowing it?

  • Recently, I checked out a spot out in the sticks that my buddy shared with me. It was sick and pretty cutty so I thought "I want to get a group out here to skate". A little bit of info about my community and nearby communities, there's maybe 4-5 people who skate downhill here and we are trying to grow the community, inclusion is necessary but keeping tabs on who can skate what is important. I posted a Facebook event and invited people who I knew would be able to shred it or at least enjoy hanging out in the community. Without posting the location of the road I used a nearby town as the location and said more info tba. The Freeride hasn't happened yet and I'd be surprised if more than 6 people show up, and we live in an age where people are much more likely to know their limits and not blow it at spots *knock knock*. Anyways fast forward and the homie who told me about the spot called me out for sharing the spot and says that I'm blowing it for trying to get people out to skate there, all 6 of us. I've been to the road and tested it and determined it's not a spot that is gonna give people problems or anything. So did I blow it? Is sharing a spot with the community to get more people stoked on downhill and sharing a spot that imo is in no way shape or form a spot that should be kept sacred (if that's still a thing) from local skaters. Let me know your thoughts? 

    FYI:  am completely in the know of what blowing a spot looks like and I don't think this would fall under that catergory as far as ruining a spot or anything.

    Is keeping spots secret in our small communities still necessary?

  • Overall, I don't think you're doing anything wrong here. That's a pretty small group, and as long as they're capable, there's nothing about this that screams "BLOWING IT" to me. I did a bit more  downhill / freeride stuff about 10 years ago in Florida (it's flat, I know, haha), and we had a spot blown pretty infamously by a bad crash (airlifted out if I remember correctly). I think that a group that has it under control is more than fine. I could be in the minority here, though.

  • Sounds like homie is trippin

  • @Kurt Derow Lots of context provided, but there's a few ways this could be not cool imo.


    Not likely but since no-one else provided a opposing opinion yet, I will.


    Are people living near there that your homie has good interactions with, havining good interactions because he is one of the only people to go there? If so adding more to that could F it up even if it is only 6 people on site.

    If the people who do go through there don't know your homie, and he's on of the only people to go there and the body count 600 X's in a short period that can set off alarms for the others in that area.... potentially.

    How unlikely is it that people really want to go to this spot, and all of a suden that 6 is 12? Could cause more issues.

    Did you talk to homie first to confirm there's not something that you missed: for example- big ol work trucks that take up 2 lanes come down that road certain day, a mean cop comes home from work at 5pm so on.

    You included people just hangin out if they wanted, super sick, that's what this is all about to me, but is the spot good for that? Or is someone gonna go "look at these idiots on the side of the road get em out of here."


    That all said, it is way better that they come with you, instead of without guidance from someone who knows the spot a little bit.

  • @Matt Needs Wheels good points across the board. @Kurt Derow I think that these are some good topics to cover with your buddy, if you haven't already. I still don't think you're blowing it, but any one of these possibilities could be what your buddy is feeling, potentially.

  • @Zach Maxon for sure, I can see where he is coming from and have been in his shoes. I think a big scene vs an emerging/ weak scene have different levels of complexity. Like how to throw events, how to rally a crew and how to approach spots. It only takes one individual to blow it, this doesn't change.

  • @Kurt Derow Making sure to reiterate: my assumption is 99% chance you are completely fine, especially in the sticks as you said.

  • your homie is over reacting a little. 6 riders aren't blowing a spot.




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