Terms & Conditions of Forum Usage & Rules

  • Terms & Conditions

    Forum Rules & Regulations -

    Legal Notice: Wrongboarding and Wrongboarding.com is a trade name Cure Supply LLC, a company based in the United States of America. Cure Supply LLC adheres to its local, state and federal laws. While Cure Supply LLC is providing these terms & conditions for the users of its forum and other services, users must still adhere to the laws of their own locality, state, or nation, in addition to the terms and conditions of Wrongboarding.com’s Terms & Conditions, which the user is required to agree to when registering.


    Language Usage:  

    • PG-13 Language: Language is to be kept PG-13, even though shitposting is allowed. We believe in the most liberal form of free speech. We believe that satire is great, as long as it's not targeted at a specific person and doesn't include language your momma would be mad at.  
    • No Tolerance for Racism / Harassment: We're all about jokes and memes, but Genuine racism will not be tolerated. Neither will remarks that include genuine targeting of individuals in the form of sexualization,sexism, classism, discrimination against individuals for sexuality, gender identity, immigration status, or religion.  
    • No Tolerance for Genuine Violence: Genuine calls for violence will also not be tolerated. Genuine calls for violence will result in immediate ban once reported to us and will be reported to your local authorities. This is non-negotiable.  
    • Free Speech is Complicated: I know we’ve said genuine multiple times and that's for good reason, because people sometimes take satire the wrong way. We believe thick skin is a good thing to have, but if a person repeatedly or harmfully makes jokes about a specific group or individual to the point where it can be considered harassment, there will be repercussions and potential forum usage revocation and/or bans. There is a stark difference between satire and harassment and we don’t play any games with people involved in harassment. This distinction is up to moderators.
    • PLEASE NOTE: In the Beginner's Corner, foul language is to be kept to a minimum. There is no roasting allowed in the Beginner's Corner sub-forum as we want more people to join the sport without fear of criticism, harassment, etc, untill they have a understanding that we all mess around playfully.


    Organization of Topics & Content:  

    • Correct Sections & Format: All users must make an attempt to keep the forum organized by posting in the correct sections, in the correct format if there is one given. As of 8/4/2024, there are no specific instructions above the text-box where you type out your post, but there will be within the near future. Once that is in effect, users must read those notes as they will guide the user how to post for specific topics, in specific subforums. These instructions will change based on the subforum. Trust us, they won't be long, restrictive, or annoying; they're just to help us keep this community hub organized. We understand this is a extra ask, and thank you in advance.


    Spamming, Impersonation & Botting:  

    • No Botting or Spamming: If we suspect you might be botting or spamming, we’re going to assess the situation and likely ban you. We don’t play games with bots, considering every social media platform is littered with them at the moment. If you’re spamming without botting, we have a 2-strike policy. We’ll contact you first and if we’re getting tired of you flooding our community with, you’re out. If you don’t answer after we contact you about the spamming, we’ll just let you go. Contact us via email for us to review your case: help@wrongboarding.com.  
    • No Impersonation: You can make your name whatever, even if it's not your own, but, no impersonating other people.

    Personal Information:  

    • Privacy: You’re not required to put your personal information out there. Please do not share any personal information that you would not want randoms having. If you’re working out a sale in the B/S/T, do your own vetting of the person you’re purchasing from or selling to. We are not liable for your transactions. We’re simply providing a place where you’re able to advertise your own personal private sale.  
    • Login Information: Please do not share any login information with ANYONE. We’ll never ask for your login for anything. We can take care of your account stuff without asking for your password and we can help you reset it too if you need. If someone asks for it pretending to be one of the staff, please report them to us.


    Bumping Threads & Forum Interference:  

    • No Algorithms: We don’t use an algorithm like social media sites to determine who gets featured or anything like that. We don't want to encourage clout chasing, clickbait ect. We do not feature any posts based on relevance or anything like that. Recent posts and topics are solely sorted by newest to oldest, so there’s no throttling of content or efforts to cater to you specificly.  
    • Bumping Threads: Bumping your threads is not allowed. If we feel you’re interfering with the forum by spamming or by purposefully bumping other threads to raise the post position, we will likely contact you first before taking action. 


    Anti-Solicitation and Affiliate Marketing Policy:  

    • Affiliations Disclosure: We understand that people in this sport need to make money. If you’re personally affiliated with a brand, shop, etc., you must announce and clarify that you are related to the brand either in each comment pertaing to gear or in your profile signature or name.
    • No Excessive Solicitation: If you’re putting it all over the damn place, we may consider it spamming, which we will likely contact you about it. Personally used or non-shop posted products may be promoted with one thread per item or in the B/S/T. If you’re looking for something specific, please use the search function. Hyperlinking is fine, BUT if you are not obviously affiliated with the shop, brand, in your signature, you must disclose that you are related either as a sponsor, affiliate, owner or someone who stands to make money on a product sale. If we find out you are or someone reports to us that you are and it is not obvious / you do not disclose it, we will contact you and may apply consequences. Ways that you can make it obvious are via your username, signature, or in the content. Those who stand to make money must also start max 1 thread on details of that item, and provide usfull information about it, not just the selling points. All those who stand to make money or get gear from supliers ect in the skate scene must have a minimum of 4:1 ratio minumin of gear related content to non gear related content. To make sure that is clear, that is minimum of 4 meaningfull comments/threads not pertaining to gear to each 1 comment/thread pertaining to gear, so 1/5 of comments made by those in the industry are not gear related.


    Scamming or Illegal Activity:  

    • Zero Tolerance: Let’s keep this simple. We will tolerate no scamming on our forum. Zero. That’s that. If you think you’re being scammed, please report it to us at help@wrongboarding.com or @wrongboarding. We’ll do an internal investigation which may result in bans.  
    • No Illegal Activity: Please refrain from talking about or encouraging illegal activity. Cure Supply LLC / Wrongboarding.com is not liable for any legal trouble you may end up in because of your own personal choices. Know your local laws. Read the legal notice at the top of this for more details.


    Reaching out to us:

    If you have a concern or comment reach out to a mod, or help@wrongboarding.com.

    Anyway y’all have fun.



    The Wrongboarding Team

  • *joking* gonna ban anyone who says toesides are real.

  • do you know the atrocities that come out of a 15 year olds mouth nowadays lmao

  • @Chris Ramge Yes, I would not use the language of a 15 year old, to a 15 year old.

  • Updated :^)

  • Updated: hyperlinking is fine for now, if every gear post is a battle between ppl making money off gear trying to get you to buy from them this may change. 

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