Gravel healing under the skin

  • I got some road rash while camping and triaged it and thought I was chill. A few weeks later, there is some leftover gravel in it, kinda healing like little cysts. Anyone have something like this before? Remove it somehow or leave it?

  • @Mountain Dew Samples I'm no doc, which is who you should really ask, but it's gotta come out.

  • @Matt Needs Wheels will the body just eventually expel it, or heal under the skin?

  • @Mountain Dew Samples mostly, it's an infection hazard. When anything punctures the skin (think splinter, animal bite, etc.) a pocket can be left behind where bacteria lives. Over time, the bacteria will eat away the flesh, preventing healing, and causing major infections. You said that it's healing in little cysts, which could very likely be the beginning of an infection. I'd definitely go get it checked out, removed, and sterilized. I should mention that I am also not a doctor, but I've had my fair share of injuries over the years, many of which were like this.

  • @Mountain Dew Samples It's gonna get gnasty and bad for ya 90% of the time. Did meet someone who let it be and then it was visable under the skin for years after.

  • Go to the doctor. 

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