Why are there 20$ wheels on ebay? And why do so many wheels feel similar.

  • Wheels straight up don't cost that much if you don't create a new wheel mold, it is not unlikely those cheapo wheels were made in the same factory as 75$ freeride wheels for the same production cost. The difference is the 75$ one 100% slides well and you as a customer 100% knows that. The other ones, its iffy, but not imposible. 

    In terms of factory's for brands that have come about in the past 7 or more years, you are likly not going to have made a wheel in america. We double checked that as we wanted to make some in the US, and had our multiple emails ignored. The factorys in the US are said to be at their max but don't want to expand.

    Elsewhere, their is a up and coming Japan factory I hear, but most brands go to China. I'd estimate a rough 70%. With that in mind there are 5 thanes that are easily accesable to have the duro altered and poured into a premade mold, or if you drop a few K, into your own mold. There are pretty much 5 basic thanes from China, if it feels "like" another wheel thane, it very likley is. 

  • Very interesting topic to exchange the background Infos and maybe end up with a much more pomplete understanding as brands don't exactly brag about this stuff.
    Most of my knowledge on this is ~10 years old and will have changed.
    Fun fact #1: it's cheaper per unit to order cheap decks than a cheap set of wheels at some manufacturers.
    The USA part seems to be somewhat transparent:
    2 main factories Aend & Labeda 

    Aend used to do mainly abec11&sector9 intially, and many brands have produced here (help me list em please). As far as i know they'd accept relatively small batches, would let you select ~10 characteristics about the urethane mixture (incl. colour&duro). What i noticed were relatively inconsistent batches and a lot of air trapped in the urethane. Many years ago a custom core would cost ~20k and a custom shape ~5k (please help get these numbers corrected)

    Labeda did mostly inline skate wheels if i remember correctly, but Otang&Volante/BloodOrange had wheels made here. That being said i suspect not all of their current line ups were made here, maybe someone knows?

    And then it becomes mysterious.

    hella secret Taiwan lab I don't know why but several people have asked me not to spill the name, so i'll leave this up to someone esle to do. This also means i don't know if it's all one place or maybe several factories after all. I first heard of it as the producer for kryptonic wheels which noone will remember. Out of the brands still alive today i think cult wheels, remember, and cloud ride were the first to explore the options there and invest in custom shapes, cores and mixtures. Larger brands have had amazing products made here, and many small brands have been ruined by them giving them an entirely different urethane on a whole batch. (Nicolaj, CEO of Happy board co has fallen for this 3 times already)

    Others: Of course there are more places on earth that pour wheels and some brands are even do it themselves. But i feel like i said enough to make someone step in to correct me.

  • @Philipp Murx The Taiwan lab in question is likley one and the same with the "China factory" I had referenced. They have F'ed me a few times just on protos. I have asked for wheel/thane combos that never got sent or were altered by them multiple times. Before knowing about la palaude wheels (a new wheel co) I ordered something exactly the same as them but a few duro up, they just sent me the la palaude wheels instead with no comment about it. Super frustrating as they are getting over a grand from us for protos and we're still not all the way dialed in yet, partially because of the bs. But we don't really have many options, if it gets worse we are just not making wheels, or seeing what we can do to make them in the US.

    I am suspicious that the factory does not have any direct comunication and everything we are able to find is just different brokers, who may be at fault more than the factory.

    Aend downsized and moved from Cali to Texas in 2018? So idk everything going on with them now not that I did hahah. But also my "small order" may be different than yours, so our requests falling through the cracks may have been because of that.

    Core price sounds over priced tbh but I am not sure.

  • @Matt Needs Wheels It does sound a lot like we are talking about the same factory. I heard very similar stories about being a bit creative with orders. Aparently if you show up there and negotiate in person it seems to work out allright. 77A and down seems to have frequent swirl issues.
    Thank you for filling in some more of the blanks, i feel like if everybody shares their myths here we might be able to make some sense out of it 😅

  • @Philipp Murx No swirl issues yet, but thats just for protos. 

  • @Philipp Murx 


    This was accurate as of 2017, when Silverfish went down.  I posted it and it was updated by the community:


    AEND pours:


    Never Summer

    Sector 9


    Ultra (rollerblade wheels)






    Newer Bustin wheels

    Sweet Spot Wheels

    Venom (except for Sidewinders and Shockers)


    Some Metro Wheels

    OLD Nersh wheels (MoneyHax/Candy/Jawbreaker - not sure on the new Tide Turner?)


    Waterloo (99% sure since they use the Seismic & Triple Round cores)

    Sugar Urethane

    Tiger Skate Designs


    Shark Wheels (lol)


    Rider Approved Designs


    Labeda pours:


    PURETHANE Earthwing wheels (Smokers, Road Rage, Floaters, Ultra Glides)

    Dregs Luv Yo Motha

    Landyachtz open core Hawgs (???)

    Oust wheels

    Bustin Boca wheels



    Some Lush

    66mm Gravity wheels

    System Martin wheels (TLS)

    Dregs/Sector9 Soy-Based Urethane (???)


    Phat Deanz

    Zuma wheels

    Cloud Ride!


    Some Metro Wheels

    Creative Urethane:


    Earthwing Slide wheels (crewzers, bruisers, hard wheels)









    Cowboy Punk





    Toy Machine


    Black Label

    Bravo Corp:


    Xero wheels (italian brand)

    (all 8mm race cores)

    Venom Sidewinders


    Hesher (???)



    Road Rider







    viking (european wheels)

    *Now Defunct*

    In-House Pours:





    Poyang Intl Co. (Taiwan)


    Big Foot



    Db-MFG (Unsure if this means some Cloud ride or what)

    Cult? (uncomfirmed but 90% certain)

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