Shmeaty bicycle

  • I'm a simple guy, I see a Meat Bike, I hit a thumbs up button. @Liam Burrows what are the specs on yours? I love that they come in a bunch of different flavors, haha. Here's mine (posted elsewhere on this website):


    DK should be here at some point in time, which I'm stoked about.

  • #WhereisAladdin

  • @Zach Maxon mines 33.5 length 9.5 width at widest 9.25 at bolts ! Zakk is killing the game with boards, love being able to support them and rock there boards 

  • @Liam Burrows I think we're on almost identical Meat Grinders! No kidding! I'm definitely stoked to have anything Meat Bike under my feet. I've gone through a number of his boards. I'm currently working on a huuuuuge lino block for him, and I'm so stoked to see it when it's put to use.

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