Suggestions and complaints for the forum from y’all.

  • Drop them here, please 🥺.

  • Here are some compaints and what's going on with them. These are not the only complaints possible, and I would love to hear more.

    "Tags" on here are a issue, there are no restrictions and if we didn't delete them manually they F up the screen. We are trying to adress this with the devs but it's been months 🗿.

    Images are massive- when uploading for now I just put in smaller dimensions when prompted to do so, but we are working on making them automatic compress to a manageable size.

    Posts that were put up in one place are getting moved to another- this will happen always as people just put them in the incorrect spot, cuz lazy or confused. If putting them in the correct spot is difficult, we need to hear about that to make changes accordingly.

    The forum needs improvement on mobile- we know this, we need to know WHY, like what exactly the issue with navigation is.

    We know y'all want a app- to move forward we need to gauge: what about a app is attractive? 

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