Are tracker fastrack trucks (any) good?

  • Here are the reasons why I find them interesting:

    - I can buy a 150mm wide pair
    - Those fat bushings seem like they might have benefits. Furthermore they are optional. Standard barrels will fit.
    - not expensive at all
    - Hangars can be flipped. (I think I would probably ride them raked and not de-raked, but the costumizability speaks to me)

    But these features may be a bit too good to be true. Here are some plausible concerns

    - What if the urethane in the weird fat bushings is a terrible formula. Then again, they are optional.
    - They are cast. Not precision. Then again, I don't ride very fast, and no slop is no slop right?

         Anyway I own a set of Aera K4's and I wouldn't replace them with trackers. I'm just interested in experimenting with something narrow without breaking the bank.
         But I guess Trackers are old school because I have never seen anyone riding them. That's why I'm reaching out to you. I'm hoping you know something I don't.
         Conclusion: Would you buy a cheap, new pair of 150mm Tracker Fastracks if you were in my position? Are they sound & solid, or are they cursed, obsolete relics?

  • I remember these being popular 12+ years ago (I think?) and I have some thoughts about them, which really haven't changed since then.

    - Overall, the beefy hangar design seems kind of unnecessary. I thought the same thing back in the say when they were released. 
    - The stepped bushing seat is cool, but the reviews back in the day on Silverfish said that they were "carvier than Paris trucks" which seems like a major downside to me. I found a review saying that Venom Eliminators didn't even restrict lean, and those bushings make everything feel dead.
    - Flipping them back in the day was advised against by most riders if you were on anything except a drop deck with massive cutouts - notorious for wheelbite when flipped.
    - Kingpins had a breaking problem back in the day, so that kept me far away from them.

    If you're getting them for close to free, sure, try them out, but I'd buy an updated truck in that width if I were in your shoes. You'll get many of the same features with an overall updated truck that's likely going to perform better in every way.

  • @Thomas I gotta agree with this^ if you want some narrow trucks from years ago, check out randals, Sk8kings has a good selection of them and you will be able to get a split setup.

    Although I bent tf out of every set I owned, so that would be a risk... Narrower should mean less leverage acting upon it tho.

    Anyways- check em out.

  • @Matt Needs Wheels That's a good suggestion. I know a lot of cast truck designs are based off of randals so they have got to be OG. They don't seem as easily available where I live but I'll keep an eye out. Thanks.

  • Tracker Fastracks?  Those were among the first gen of "Randal Killers" like Paris back in like 2007.  Looking at something that old (versus your Bears, Paris, etc.), you've kinda gotta ask yourself why they died off.

    If you can get a pair for a reasonable price, go for it - but you gotta remember to keep an open mind and appreciate how far gear has come since then.  2007-2012 was my "heyday" in the sport and I'm amazed at what riders are doing with the gear I see on Instagram and the like's a very different world.

  • @Thomas They are OG af, havnt changed in like 30 + years. 

    I honestly don't rec either tho and getting something a little more expensive would be worth it.

  • @Matt Needs Wheels my thinking is I either get something as cheap as it gets, or invest in precisions. What I don't want to do is pay a somewhat substantial amount of money for gear that's not quite futureproof (like cast bears)

    I should also add that I enjoy tinkering and tuning with gear. So in a way I think randalls were always meant to be.

    Edit: Worst case scenario I'll end up with a bin full or randal compatible hangars and baseplates and one day conceptualize a high performance super cruiser

  • I wouldn't buy these. Why not just buy cast paris 150s? 

  • @Thomas  

    my thinking is I either get something as cheap as it gets, or invest in precisions. What I don't want to do is pay a somewhat substantial amount of money for gear that's not quite futureproof (like cast bears)

    I think that thinking like this is going to prevent you from trying lots of rad gear that's out there!

    I should also add that I enjoy tinkering and tuning with gear.

    I think that @Gabriel Fockler and @Matt Needs Wheels would agree with me when I say that there are plenty of ways to tune cast trucks these days that make them feel so much better than what they did years ago thanks to the advent of 3D printing and makers looking to improve gear in every aspect possible.

    If I were in your shoes, I'd avoid the Trackers (as stated before) and the Randals and grab something like Paris V3 or the newer gen Bears. Both can be upgraded pretty easily, and it won't be anywhere close to the cost of precisions (and they'll still feel great). I'm on Caliber IIIs, but those are a bit wider than 150mm. If you're willing to go wider, you could even get a set of those, and they feel fantastic, especially flipped!

  • Well said, Zach. 


    Paris 150s v3, riptide pivot cups, pat's risers hanger insert, whatever bushings you want for your intended use.


    This is guaranteed to feel nice, will have better finishing and less slop, and generally isn't the gamble of buying something from the first obama admin with no available aftermarket parts like these trackers would be.  

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