Blank Wheel Co

  • In the spring of 2022 Blank Wheel Co. was founded for a few reasons:

    1. Being a skater myself and seeing the wheel market prices sky rocket. The swelled prices caused the downhill scene to have almost nowhere to look to buy quality wheels for a manageable price. As a response to these new prices I planned to help fill that gap and offer fun wheels at affordable prices.

    2. I don't want to offer your "run of the mill" shapes and formulas. When I looked around at shops I never quite found exactly what kind of wheels I was looking for, especially not for a price I liked. My solution; make the unorthodox myself so that those who find themselves in a similar situation can find unorthodox wheels here for a fair price.

    3. I want to be a skate company active in the community. Through my own style of company building, I want to be able to alter my formulas and add shapes based on what y'all want but can't find anywhere else; and therefore fill the gaps no other company can, or will.

    And the final reason 

    4. For fun. Skating's all about having fun, and I'd say it's why most of us started and continue to skate. Through the creation of Blank Wheel Co. I'd like to help people continue to have the fun they skate for. 

    The future for us is looking bright, as we're constantly trying to develop something new for the community. With this forum it gives us another outlet to ask questions to the community and see what the scene really wants, and how we can help

  • @Marshall Cook / Blank Wheel Co thanks for sharing. Interested in learning more about you and the wheels! Welcome!

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