Social Push Detroit!

  • We've had 12 Social Pushes so far and I'm making this thread to blog a little and document our adventures! Please follow us @socialpush.detroit on IG or the hashtag #socialpushdetroit for the most up to date news and our stories as they're happening.

    The first Social Push Detroit was 7/18/2024 and we had 3 people show up, these three members have been the core of the Detroit social pushing scene bringing some rad energy and often times other people! The plan with this push was to explore a bit of the Detroit riverwalk path in a long loop. Given the small number of attendees, we decided to just enjoy skating around and getting to know each other. There was a small hill just off of the riverwalk on our path and we spent a good deal of time practicing carving and #sending it down with our first time downhill member. We had quite a few spectators and even got a couple to stand on our boards to try it out for themselves.

    I'll continue to update this thread with our other pushes and our most recent ones when I get time!

  • Placeholder for push 2 (carousel river walk) & 3 (dequindre cut)

  • Placeholder for push 4 (Detroit riverwalk) & 5 (Bel Isle)

  • Placeholder for push 6 (Detroit riverwalk) & 7 (unity skatepark pump track)

  • Placeholder for push 8 (rogue river gateway trail) & 9 (m-5 trail)

  • Placeholder for push 10 (mo town roller club) & 11 (river walk pt too many to count)

  • Placeholder for push 12 (northville recreation area) & 13 (corktown!)

  • Yew 

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