My worst crash(es) -- share yours too!

  • I've been fortunate enough in my time skating down hills to have never broken a bone. Drink your dang milk folks. Though I've certainly had my share of gnarly spills, here's a few examples;

    Skating an extremely gnarly and notorious eastern TN run. Following behind a extremely skilled rider down a fast straight and approaching a heavy right turn. I'm riding some really old Sector 9 Butterballs because I wanted to just destroy them. Homie ahead throws a clean toeside standup and makes the turn, I throw a hands down toe drift following his line and seemingly kill enough speed but could absolutely not hook the slide back up. I slide towards the massive rock pit on the outside and essentially jumped over it knee first into the berm. This was like this third run of our trip, I was super sore but nothing broke. Learned my lesson about skating crap gear on unfamiliar roads. Swapped to wheels with actual grip after that.

    Another instance I was throwing a squatter on Mach 1s. Normally not an issue as they slide pretty easily, but the front concave of the board I was on (Jet Kool Kick 3D 2013) was absolute garbage and I always had trouble slipping on heelsides with it. I try to run it out and my leading knee folds the wrong way under me, causing me to hyper-extend it. Still get chills thinking about how much worse it could've gone. Thankfully I wasn't skating alone and my friend helped me down to the car. I couldn't walk for like 3 days but it healed on its own.

    Also broke my TSG Pass while holding it and falling backwards because I lost balance on my board while pushing up a hill in the pitch darkness.

  • @RatBürger im lucky that i havent had any bad crashes impact wise (knock on wood). Two stand out tho. Learning hands down toes i was going oretty fast pushing my speed and did a pretty bad penguin slide going at least 25 when i hit the ground. Got road rash on the front of my hip bones sooooo bad, took like 3 weeks to heal and all i could wear were sweatpants. Then another time i was trying squatters going way to fast for my own good. I highsided super hard and did a front flip in the air and landed on my left hip. That took me a few weeks before i could skate again cuz that hurt pretty bad

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