Surf skate deck stiffened up with double deck rails and ridden backwards to use the kick as a toe stop. The deck's wheelbase (as measured) is 17.9". I'm running Cuei 24-grit griptape and some 40-grit belt sander on the kick to act as a toe stop/wedge - as well as some of the default surfskate griptape in the parts I don't really use. Trucks are Indy Bar Flat Black (these come with special red-colored urethane pivot cups that are way better than the default Indy black pivot cups) paired with forged baseplates with 2.25" kingpins - running 0.6"-height bushings (front 85A surfskate barrel rs / 90A APS barrel bs & rear 95A APS barrel rs / 93A HPF elim bs). Angles are: front +6 wedge and rear -15 dewedge; the overall ride height is set so that the rear is just a hair taller than the front. Wheels are 75A 65mm x 47mm SkateONLY protos (a friend's brand) - square-lipped but pretty slidey once broken-in. I think they're a "mids plus" wheel (cuz they're definitely more durable than the average mids). And I also run them flipped for extra slidiness. The hard wheel on top at the rear is just a placeholder for a torque block I'm making out of wood when I stop procrastinating. The ballast is made from pieces of scrap metal - totaling approximately 2.4 lbs. It's also lowered quite a bit with lots of flat risers. The extra baseplate at the rear is just to cover up the holes I drilled for the ballast when I used to run this board the right way around - but it also adds some stiffening to the deck.

"If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear." Frankensteins Monster
This is incredibly foul. Riding it backwards and having a wheel attached to the back is twisted as hell.
This looks like an ai generated image where you can't recognize any object.
The baseplate bolted on for no benefit is also funny.
Literally the worst setup ever posted, which is a high bar.
i am thoroughly impressed, everyday we set the bar lower and lower
highly advocating a rubber ducky on ur "tail" to pirate this mess
Yeah, I'd like to see proof of you actually riding this mf. Because I highly doubt you can use this setup proficiently, I would rather ride a pintail for freeride then this vile creation. I question your choices, what happened who hurt you. You know bear makes 130mm trucks with split degree and Randal makes 125mm trucks aswell with split degrees. I respect using independent trucks but not in this application. Atleast get a bennett front and Randal rear if you wanna get weird, but please don't get this weird again
Tried it out on a decent hill on Christmas. (My friend filmed and edited this.)
Where's@Kurt Derow when you need him
@Logan Neikirk i see nothing wrong here. This might be the new meta actually. It reminds me of putting roller skate trucks on a 2x4 when skating was first created. The only thing I have to say negatively about it is why waste a perfectly good kicktail? You've got that sick ditch to rip in the video and the kicktail would help maneuver that mofo. Keep up the good work Dr. Frakenstein!
@Kurt Derow True. But I wouldn't go into ditches with a lowered ballast tho. Ground clearance isn't great.
@Nick Amarit
i use to think thats not how any of that works but then i saw you skate that assemblage 🤯
Yah this is weird in a bad way. Poor dynamics to slide with and poor utility in general
@Brian Lugbill Actually slides pretty good, ngl.
This has to be the most wrong board in the history of wrongboarding, an absolute criminal hellspawn, this board torments purists at night and feeds on their highside nightmares...
I want to try it!!! 😭😭😭
Finally stopped procrastinating and made a torque block (out of a 2-layer stack of cutting board). Was a real pain in the butt to cut with a hacksaw, but the end product works pretty great! Locks my feet very well for both heelsides and toesides.

Current setup:
130-140mm spaceable chopped Indy Stage 9's on forged bp's with 2.25" kingpins (same angle as before: front +6 degrees & rear -15 degrees).
Front: Boardside: cupped washer w/ 90A APS barrel; Roadside: 89A Blood Orange barrel w/ inverted small cup washer.
Rear: Boardside: cupped washer w/ 93A HPF elim; Roadside: 90A APS barrel w/ inverted small cup washer.