2 real tragedies

  • First: 

    Built this to be a fun weighted setup that's less "serious" than my downhill board. So far I've done garages on it & taken it out on a cruise for small standups/180s. It feels pretty cursed, but the kicktail provides a SUPER nice pocket if I want to really have leverage on the back truck for slides.

    Loaded Coyote

    120? mm spaceable Cal 3 chopped hangers & 88wheelco Mav Pros

    Rocket Brick 


    44 degree

    73 short RS / 78 tall BS

    Flat all around


    44 degrees wedged to 39 degrees(5 degree wedge)

    93 short RS / 90 tall BS

    Flat all around



    A true tragedy. Just when I was getting it dialed, my Landyachtz peacemaker warped 😭

    It will be a wallhanger deck, esp with that FRESH graphic 

    My main question: What deck should I replace it with? 

    Landyachtz Peacemaker

    Green PP snakes 

    42.5 degree symmetrical 180mm cast ronins (Jimmy riha pro model!)

    93 tall BS, 90 tall RS, cupped all around 


  • That first one looks fun,but it looks like it has strong flares which would really ruin the appeal for me. 

    For replacing the second deck, there are a few singlekick options you could do. That new pantheon singlekick is a big boat to match your 180mms. Rocket rooster similarly fits. 


    Do you like ronins for freeride? I really hate how they turn, but some people really like them. It's a polarizing truck from the 2010s era. 

  • @Gabriel Fockler

    I'm a huge fan of the flare under the toe on my front foot (check the shoe marks) so it is a fun little board! 

    I must admit, I only got the ronins as a recent acquisition and took the whole setup out for maybe a garage sesh and 1-2 actual hill seshes before it warped. I am a huge fan of the narrow ronins and figured why not try a set of cronins out (for $35, could you blame me?) 

    As to getting a deck, I haven't really looked into a lot of the Pantheon line, but I think that the Kenny Napp pro looks pretty decent. 

    I am not entirely sure which deck I'd go with, but as much as I love Rocket, I can't quite justify Rocket money on a freeride setup I might not 1000% love. 

    I have been thinking of the following: 

    - Comet Takeover

    - EW Camino killer (singlekick)

    - Prism new decks? sometime? 

    - new mini byron (waiting for the homie review on this one) 

  • Okay I bought a blem Loaded Coyote this year and love it. Put the new paris 50⁰ savants on it with otang purple/orange nipples. I really thought about slapping seismic grip on it and making it a DH board for kicks and giggles, because the board locks you in so good it *could* work, and skating boards dh not meant for dh is so dang good for clout.

    After looking at your setup, dialed as short board with ronins and weighted, I gotta say I'm embarrassed I thought that it might be a good idea. You have gone too far!!  Save that board while there is still something worth saving!


    Noticing your other comments, I'll endorse the Comet Takeover.  I have the 2023 and it's really a great board.  Dont put a weight on it.

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