I'm surprised the ronin venom bushings arent harder. Kinda sick setups tbh
I'm surprised the ronin venom bushings arent harder. Kinda sick setups tbh
This looks like the board someone gave my wife to learn to skate hills on. Spoiler, she broke her foot. Sick for an experienced rider!
@Adventures In Skateboarding snakes are great for learning to kick out. As another 200lb human, I have no idea why you prefer to ride them. I ice out waaaaay to easily on snakes. Bushi...
Okay I bought a blem Loaded Coyote this year and love it. Put the new paris 50⁰ savants on it with otang purple/orange nipples. I really thought about slapping seismic grip on it and making it a DH...
Why does your back truck on the right DH board have a cone bushing? The wheels look like the light-up wheels roller blades have at the roller rink. I'd be surprised if they last one session.
@Matt Needs Wheels good feedback! Thanks for being the first to talk smack lol I'm stoked. Where would you put your front foot?
You can insert those photos to your post by clicking the picture button and adding them so they show up as a photo in the post, not an attachment. I goofed too on my post, but you can edit yo...
Roast 'em! Race setup: Comet 2024 Obiter Mounted to 21.5" wheel base holes, 22.5" true wheelbase. Seismic mango alphas. Chopped precision ronins 104-114mm, riding at 114m with cuei 10mm ...