
  • Roast 'em!

    Race setup:

    Comet 2024 Obiter

    Mounted to 21.5" wheel base holes, 22.5" true wheelbase.

    Seismic mango alphas.

    Chopped precision ronins 104-114mm, riding at 114m with cuei 10mm spacers. Circa 2020 ?

    90a Red/93a green tall venom bushings in the front, 97a pink/pink tall venoms in the rear. Cupped washers road side on front and back.

    45⁰/20⁰ but comet orbiter has +3⁰ in the front so its 48⁰/20⁰.  The 20⁰ baseplate is newer the other baseplate and hangers are from FB market place, chopped, circa 2020 ronin precision. 

    Seismic 36 grip.

    Venom torque block with industrial strength velcro application.

    Roger bros dagger footstop.

    Yes, 1/8" riser pads (for ride height/wheelbite prevention).

    Zealous bearings.


    Freeride setup:

    Comet 2023 Takeover.

    Mounted to 25.5" WB, 26.25" true WB.

    Orange otang fat frees.

    K3 46⁰ baseplate in the front, k4 42⁰baseplate in rear. K3 hangers 164mm.

    Venom 93a green/green front, green/95a white rear bushings. Flat washers roadside front and back.

    Seismic 36 grip.

    Roger bros dagger footstop (which way is "correct," idk but both setups feel good for what I do on them).

    Yes 1/8" venom riser pad and I can't defend that one.

    Zealous bearings.

  • 2 horible front foot standing platforms from the looks of it

  • @Matt Needs Wheels good feedback! Thanks for being the first to talk smack lol I'm stoked. Where would you put your front foot?

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